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Flourish Drips

Glow Getter Drip

(Beauty) Our beauty blend is perfect to assist in glowing skin. Our beauty drip rehydrates your cells to give you a glowing appearance.

The Athlete Drip

(Recovery, athletic performance) Perfect for athletes post-work out. Aid in muscle recovery from lost of nutrients and assist in endurance and performance.

Nights We Can’t Remember

(Hangover Drip) Had the perfect night out and now paying for it with dehydration or a headache? Come see us! Rehydrate your body and relieve some of your symptoms including headache and nausea.

Defense Drip

(Immunity) Supports immune system, aids in recovery from sickness and/or recent surgery.

Drip Me Skinny

Lipo Mini Mix with a Liter of fluids for hydration. The liter of fluids provides hydration and essential nutrients to reset your body while going through the process of breaking down fats.

Detox Drip

This drip is designated to assist your body in feeling like new and detox by providing a mix of powerful antioxidants directly into the blood stream

Flourish Drip

(Myer’s Cocktail, Wellness) General wellness is key! Our Myer’s Cocktail is our overall wellness drip. It provides the basic necessities to overall feel better.

Basic Drip

This is a liter bag of Normal Saline without any additives.

Flourish Shots and Add Ons


Cleanse and brightens the skin. This is the body’s most prevalent antioxidant.


Increases energy level, mood enhancer, mental sharpness

Lipo Mino Mix

Fat burner shot to assist in weight loss by stimulating your body’s natural metabolism. Recommended every 2 weeks.

Tri Immunity

Vit C injection strengthens immune system and assist in healing process.

VIP Mobile Clients

-This is for clients who wish to have Flourish Wellness COME TO YOU!

-We will service you in the comfort of your own home, office or hotel space.

-Please contact us directly for this option so we can gather your address and personal information.

Membership Packages:

Flourish Package

$200 per month

1 Flourish Drip per month

– Discount for referrals for family and friends that drip with us

– Priority Booking

–  Discounted Mobile Services

– Half price drip during birthday month (must be active member 3 months)

Hydrate Package

$285 per month

Everything offered in the Flourish Package above

– Includes 2 Drips per month, Flourish Drip +  the option to upgrade another drip.

The selections above are strictly based on your personal observation of your health. However, once you arrive at Flourish Wellness, you will be examined and receive a full assessment by a Provider to create an accurate treatment plan for your needs. Your health and safety is our top priority.


  1. Select the drip or shot of your choice from above by pressing the “Book Now” selection.
  2. This will carry you to our appointment booking site. After selecting your time, making deposit and confirming your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email.
  3. There will be consent forms inside of your confirmation email. Please take your time and fill out the forms to the best of your ability. These forms can be filled out electronically.
  4. Once the forms are received, we will prepare for your arrival on your selected date. Please check your email frequently for any changes. See you soon!
  5. Please note all drips require basic lab work to be completed before administration. You are more than welcome to bring in your labs from your Primary Care Provider or we can draw labs for you. Please call us if you need any additional information. 

if you have any questions?